Thursday 3 May 2012

Annual Report

For a university project we were given a brief to create an Annual Report for a topic that each of us were given by the tutor. I got Ceramics Society as my topic. 

After many ideas and sketches I decided I wanted to create a report that was beautiful outside and inside was rough and ready showing the makings of in a ceramic studio. I decided to create a look like this because I wanted it to portray to the goings on in a ceramic studio, rough and untidy inside making and then formed into a beautiful final product. To help show the studio I went and took my own photographs and used them for each page with a low opacity.

I loved looking at the blue and white patterns that are featured on delftware and other ceramics so I decided to try something different and create the Annual Report in a circle shape and actually have the cover look like a plate.

Images of the outside.

Inside Pages

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